March 22


Tags: procrastination | 2 comments »

"I can do it tomorrow", if that was an olympic sport, I would have all my chances for getting medals. That's true, I don't post that often on this blog, although I do have some ideas, I am not overwhelmed by work, I don't have my girlfriend taking to much of my time (I would really love using that excuse)... hum ... I don't spent time on this blog.

It does not only affect this this blog, I also have a few projects I'm dying to work on and present here!

Where does that mysterious disease come from? This lack of motivation? Do all my energy go somewhere else? How do the others do?

Well, once I got my thumbs out of my back, I will write something decent!

Comment made by Blaise, Thursday 26 March 2009 16:02:15 UTC

Oulah! Ça mérite un commentaire! je posterai ça demain.

Comment made by Reb, Saturday 28 March 2009 11:22:13 UTC

Hé hé ! Bon faut dire qu'on poste plus beaucoup. Faudrait relancer un défi. Maud, on l'invite pour ses vacances :o)

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