November 2

Warren Suicide

Tags: music, warren, suicide, usine, zoo, malife | 3 comments »

Like I mentioned earlier, I'll, from time to time, be posting more personal messages, here is one of those!

Yesterday, I went to the Zoo of the Usine, and I discovered Warren Suicide:

Warren Suicide

Before going out, I only rapidly listened to them on the web, it looked like electronic music to me. On stage, that's a different story, it definitely turns to rock! It moves, it screams, no doubt, they know how to party!

The main singer with the guitar, the female singer with the turn-tables, a beater and finally another guy for the keyboard, that remains electronic music in the end. After a moment with the German rocker in sweat, to hear the female singer "Chérie" turns out really well! For the rest, I invite you to discover them via the web or in a concert close to you!

Comment made by Maud, Sunday 2 November 2008 07:40:31 UTC

Yo! à peine posté, à peine commenté! A première écoute, ça m'a l'air sympa, mais je dois dire que les conditions d'écoute n'étaient pas favorables: le son très très faible, vu le lieu où je me trouve... Je retenterai la chose ce soir!

Comment made by Maud, Sunday 2 November 2008 07:42:04 UTC

aaargh et tu peux déplacer le "s" (dans mon com) et le remettre au bon endroit...

Comment made by Julien, Sunday 2 November 2008 09:22:41 UTC

Houlala, mais Maud ! Il y avait plein de "s" dans ton commentaire ... et tu sais que mon niveau de français est relativement bas, enfin personne n'aura rien remarqué ;-)

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